Inside the world of Twenty3 Smart Graphics

In Portuguese

In a world of AI assistants, roombas and cars that park themselves, why manually make your own graphics?

The machines can do the turgid manual labour there as well. Twenty3’s Smart Graphics connect branded templates and assets to data, a suite of data visualisations and your own image library.

Sounds useful. Sounds smart.

A connection to the data (compatible with numerous data providers) pulls the information into designated fields. For graphics like match scorelines, all that’s needed is to select a game: the rest takes care of itself.

Equally, information comes through with a simple click for line-ups, fixtures and league standings. We know that there’s variety in how these can be presented so, for example, fixtures can be grouped by match date, and line-up graphics can be sorted by player position or shirt number. (Sorting by shirt number, the goalkeeper always goes first.)

But of course, you may want something more complicated than this. With all of our templates, you can save ‘data presets’, which come in handy when you want to produce graphics that could be about players in various positions. One data preset might have statistics for forwards mapped, while another could be with a totally different set of stats suitable for goalkeepers. Everything on the template can still be edited, but the preset makes for a good and speedy starting point.

All of these features are built with design flexibility in mind. We have a talented design team on-hand to support, however for external designers Smart Graphics integrates with Figma, to make the set-up process as smooth as possible. Brand colours and fonts can be used on all parts of the graphic, including the data visualisations. And in a host of languages, too.

Smart Graphics can also be produced directly from the Twenty3 Match Centre. Whether it’s a retrospective review or a live match, selected templates in the Match Centre let you export graphics from right where you are.

There are more features, though at this point this is perhaps starting to sound like a list! Text can be manually edited within Smart Graphics, auto-sizing to fit the field, and the range of auto-filled data has the breadth of your data provider. That’ll include not just on-field stats, but player names, teams, ages and shirt numbers.

Different user authorisation levels are also available, which may be useful to larger teams. Certain users can be permitted to edit the Smart Graphics data presets, allowing an admin or editor to complete setup tasks and not worry about them being overwritten.

Make making graphics more automatic. Make graphics smarter. Use Smart Graphics. (Come to me for your marketing slogans!)

If you’d like to learn more about Twenty3’s Smart Graphics, or our other products and services, don’t hesitate to get in touch.