Our automated Power Reports just got better…

With our recent partnership and integration of IMPECT data into the Analytics Toolbox, there are a bunch of ways in which their Packing® data opens doors that just aren’t there with other ‘event data only’ providers. And, as data enthusiasts, that’s something that is — somewhat embarrassingly — exciting to us.

Just to set the scene a bit, for those that might not be familiar with our Power Reports tool, here is the elevator pitch; it’s effectively a tool that allows analysts to automate most of, if not all, of their routine, cumbersome reports. 

So, rather than needing to collate data from different sources, screenshot charts from one tool, graphs from another, refine stats in spreadsheets and then pull that all together in what ends up being a mishmash of design styles, colour schemes and data sources, the whole thing is carefully designed, crafted and available at the click of a button.

As you’ll see from the examples in this sample version, it means having something that is consistent, on brand, insightful, and crucially, automated — meaning it takes 2-3 minutes to download a full report rather than 2-3 hours of painful assembly. Like if Ikea products came with AI powered Allen keys.

But, as much as we like the power and significance of that time saving, the bit that excites us most is actually the ‘bespokeness’ of each report. Essentially, the fact we are starting with a blank canvas and working collaboratively with analysts to create something that answers often difficult questions.

So for us, there is the opportunity to innovate and push ourselves — and the data. It’s this that led us to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Data) aspect of Power Reports and, for example, combining tracking data and event data to build specific visualisations that answer questions about team shape and defensive compactness.

And it’s in this space that IMPECT comes in. With their Packing® data being a kind of tracking data / event data hybrid, there’s a whole new angle with which we can look at the game and direction we can push ourselves — and Power Reports — in.

So what are the kinds of things with IMPECT that excite us?

Packing Zones

Firstly, packing zones themselves are inherently interesting. Having a far more tactically-minded layout to work with than the industry standard boxes gives a much greater view of the importance of certain actions and events.

Suddenly all these stats — even some of the most basic and ubiquitous ones — have this additional layer to them simply by viewing them through a lens that better represents the strategy and flow of modern football.

Availability in Space

Similarly, there are a number of key stats that give you a tactical insight that you traditionally don’t get without your own video analysis. For example, stats like availability between the lines and availability in the back, give you a much clearer picture of a defensive midfielder and his willingness to get on the ball and ‘dictate play’.

You’ve also got things like availability from runs from deep — which looks at players who get on the ball beyond the defensive line, giving you the opportunity to spot areas of weakness or patterns of play, both offensively or defensively.

And, in alignment with Power Reports, it’s not just the fact you’re now quantifying these things, or contextualising them with Packing Zones, it’s also that it’s available without the hours of analysis associated with just trying to pick them out.

Dribbles & Carries

Lastly, from a purely product point of view — so away from the realm of creative data science — there’s also the ability to now properly map dribbles and carries. Obviously this isn’t the most exciting innovation in data as these maps are already out in the wild, but nonetheless, they are something that has been absent from our Visualisations library thus far.

Below is a little sneak preview of the new maps we’ll have available in a coming release.

Of course, there’s more than just these things — there’s Packing xG and all the contextual variations of that, there’s detailed pressure events and pressure maps, a more structured approach to phases of play, as well as the implication of Packing data on building better possession value models. 

There’s a lot to work with.

If you would like to find out more about Power Reports or IMPECT, or if you would like us to send you the full sample Power Report, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch below.