Video: Bring Your Own Data explained

Twenty3’s Toolbox allows users to combine data from multiple sources, so you don’t need to answer questions with just a fraction of the picture. 

To find out more about how ‘bring your own data’ works, check out the video below.

Understanding the process

The process of combining data starts by uploading a file directly to the Toolbox – this could be an Excel, CSV, JSON or XML file – whatever format your data is extracted in.

But how do you know that the player in the file you’ve uploaded corresponds to the same player in the data from another provider?

That problem is known as ‘record matching’, which we solve by using matching algorithms to compare different data points on individual players.

For example, you might use the date of birth, the shirt number, a surname, a place of birth or any other detail, to confidently link between different providers.

Once all of the players, teams or matches have been successfully linked, we then make use of the data in tandem within the Toolbox.

That allows you to combine tracking data with event data, GPS data with event data, GPS data with tracking data, or even use tracking data to create new visualisations or metrics. We can use record matching to combine all of these different data sources into a new unified database.

Solving that issue means we are able to pull all of that unified data into tools like our Power Reports, to create better reports and better insights.

Ultimately, the Toolbox enables analysts to create better reports with combined data, first-class visualisations and improved accuracy – and it’s all exportable in less than two minutes.

Get in touch below to find out more about Twenty3’s Toolbox, so you can maximise the data at your disposal.